PlayStation Launcher Re-design (2020)

Rethinking User Interface Design for the TV Platform

Redesign guide signs in a mega station and improving passengers experience

Redesign guide signs in a mega station and improving passengers experience

The Challenges

Reduction of dedicated button actions

Modern media interfaces

Modern TV media streaming interfaces


The PlayStation 4's interface has evolved several times. With modular, card-based interfaces becoming a design trend, and the rise of streaming services (on-demand video and music), PlayStation's interface looks old and outdated.

So after researching modern TV interfaces, I have redesigned the PlayStation interface to make it more modern and user-friendly.

Goals are to:

  • Inheriting the classic interaction and UI elements of the PlayStation 4;
  • Simplify operation by using only the D-pad/left-stick for selecting whenever possible;
  • Modular display of cover and graphic content, unified styling.


Caution and Moderation

Issue #1 - Reorganize Quick Menu

After reviewing the PlayStation 4's Quick Menu and Upper Menu:

  • Too many of the same functions were found;
  • Upper Menu is not globally accessible (especially when using a full-screen app);
  • Quick Menu provides a not fully customizable set of functions.
Repeated functions

Repeated quick menu functions

Mainlines/region-lines and other transportation interactions

Notification centre after customisation for gamers with different needs

Issue #2 - Extraction of core launcher functions

I've summarised the four core functions that gamers have throughout their PlayStation experience, ensuring that all sub-functions can be categorised:

Toggle topbar to quickly switch between core functions

Toggle topbar to quickly switch between core functions

Issue #3 - Universal Cards

Responsive, modular cards can be used for a variety of display types:

Module Listing

Module Listing

The Final

Graphic design

Grid System

24-cols grid, 1080p@2x for 4K Hi-DPI interface display

24-cols grid, 1080p@2x for 4K Hi-DPI interface display

Launcher Home

Launcher Home (Play)
Game Detail


Media Detail

Control Center

Nofitication Center

PlayStation Store

PlayStation Store

Icons for Launcher

Credits and Refs
Human Interface Guidelines - (English) - tvOS
Designing for TV - Design principles - Android TV
Rethinking User Interface Design for the TV Platform | Toptal