Redesign guide signs in a mega station and improving passengers experience
The Challenges
Reduction of dedicated button actions

Modern TV media streaming interfaces
The PlayStation 4's interface has evolved several times. With modular, card-based interfaces becoming a design trend, and the rise of streaming services (on-demand video and music), PlayStation's interface looks old and outdated.
So after researching modern TV interfaces, I have redesigned the PlayStation interface to make it more modern and user-friendly.
Goals are to:
- Inheriting the classic interaction and UI elements of the PlayStation 4;
- Simplify operation by using only the D-pad/left-stick for selecting whenever possible;
- Modular display of cover and graphic content, unified styling.
Caution and Moderation
Issue #1 - Reorganize Quick Menu
After reviewing the PlayStation 4's Quick Menu and Upper Menu:
- Too many of the same functions were found;
- Upper Menu is not globally accessible (especially when using a full-screen app);
- Quick Menu provides a not fully customizable set of functions.

Repeated quick menu functions

Notification centre after customisation for gamers with different needs
Issue #2 - Extraction of core launcher functions
I've summarised the four core functions that gamers have throughout their PlayStation experience, ensuring that all sub-functions can be categorised:

Toggle topbar to quickly switch between core functions
Issue #3 - Universal Cards
Responsive, modular cards can be used for a variety of display types:

Module Listing
The Final
Graphic design

24-cols grid, 1080p@2x for 4K Hi-DPI interface display