Don't lose your mind
The Challenges
Discuss for Global Issue
"Bamboo curtain"
The Bamboo Curtain was the Cold War political boundary between the Communist states of East Asia. (Source Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0)
About this project
Bamboo Shelter is an interactive installation based on internet and information censorship, and giant-size internet companies invading user privacy.
The installation set in the final examination week. Any people can get inside to search for information, or just “freestyle” play with our installation.

Interaction compose
Censorship & privacy-violating is a global issue. We hope to:
- Make people realize privacy matters;
- Show how censorship violating freedom;
- Never preaching.
My Role
Front/Backend Develop
with Mechanics

Interaction flow
Tech develop
When a player walking into our wood-house space, players can use the desktop to reach the internet and search for information. I was building a spying-system; It becoming 2-parts:
Webcam spying: from zoneminder
to webrtc
, realtime sharing player's face and reactions to the web.
Browser spying and censoring: using iptables
in Linux server via router censoring websites and redirect to our intro-page; Browser plug-in time to upload screenshots to the server and realtime share to the web.

Intro-page work with webcam and browser spying

Woodhouse inside
The wood house
We built a wood house for the Bamboo Shelter to create a closed space, webcam, router and computer becomes the interactive part. At outside, we using a screen to show the player’s movement to spectators.

The real wood house and monitor for spectators

Woodhouse outside
"The Negative Experience"
When every players know someone is surveilling, they may feel annoyed/depression/shock.
However, after these feelings, the player understands it is just an interactive installation. But in this world, many people suffer from censorship and privacy-violating every day: the player can have deep empathy for these injustices.
Now, the negative experience were changed to positive.
The Final
Beyond The Bamboo Curtain
Player and spectators constitute together
Carpentry and pure digital manufacturing
Team Member